Operation Nanaimo-GRAM
(Pictured above: Brodie Sand, Toured September 2009 and May 2010; Elizabeth Sand, Toured October 2009 and May 2010. Second picture: Will Frankling, Chair Operation Nanaimo-GRAM; Brodie, Elizabeth, and Shawn Hildebradt, Public Relations at Steve Marshall Ford in Nanaimo.) We always love helping the community, and helping Operation Nanaimo-Gram has been fun!! Haven’t heard of it … Continued
(Pictured above: Brodie Sand, Toured September 2009 and May 2010; Elizabeth Sand, Toured October 2009 and May 2010. Second picture: Will Frankling, Chair Operation Nanaimo-GRAM; Brodie, Elizabeth, and Shawn Hildebradt, Public Relations at Steve Marshall Ford in Nanaimo.)
We always love helping the community, and helping Operation Nanaimo-Gram has been fun!!
Haven’t heard of it yet? Operation Nanaimo-Gram is the brainchild of Will Frankling with support from the Vancouver Island Military Museum and the Nanaimo City Council. Will’s goal is to send greetings from the heart of Nanaimo to our Canadian Forces in Afghanistan (GRAM = “Greetings Recognizing Armed forces Members”). The team is looking to reach over 7,000 greetings from the people of Nanaimo – from now until May 31st.
Check out their Facebook group for upcoming events and book signing places available, plus there is a Beverage and Burger Drop-in at Branch 10 Legion – 129 Harewood on Sunday, May 9th, 2000 from 2:00 – 6:00 pm.
While you’re at Facebook, check out our Fan Page… You can “Like” us =^_^=