Your Expert Ford Dealer near Victoria!

Looking for an alternative Ford dealer outside of Victoria? Look no further! Meet our team of professionals in our relaxed showroom. From the moment you step through our doors, you’ll experience a level of expertise and dedication that distinguishes us from other dealerships.

Visit us today and discover what sets us apart… it’s our team, our team fully sets us apart!

Ford Employee Pricing 2024

Near Victoria? We’re Your Local Area Ford Dealer!

When it comes to being one of the best Ford dealer near Victoria, we measure ourselves against a few crucial metrics. First, and most importantly, we ask ourselves – do we deliver expert service to our guests? Fortunately for us, we have a team that consists of some of the brightest minds in the area, and we feature them in a state-of-the-art low-pressure showroom. Our team consists of experts and enthusiasts from across our community with a passion for Ford vehicles that goes beyond the dealership. When you come and see us here at Steve Marshall Ford Lincoln, you aren’t just getting another Ford dealer near Victoria – you’re getting unmatched expertise that is on call for the duration of your time with us. We also measure the quality of our selection. For this, we always aim to carry the latest and greatest Ford models, along with a full complement of quality previously owned vehicles, so no matter what your needs are, we have the Ford in stock to meet and exceed them. In the end, we here at Steve Marshall Ford do everything in our power to see you drive away with a smile on your face and a Ford under your feet. That’s our greatest indicator of success, so when you’re ready, come and see what we have in store for you today!

So Much More Than a Dealership!

While we are proud of our selection and team, we are also the local area dealership near Victoria for after-sale services. From our brilliant parts department, complete with authentic OEM parts and decades of experience, to our world-class service team, you can count on Steve Marshall Ford Lincoln for all your automotive needs. We believe in delivering more to our guests, so count on us for any and all troubles that you might bump into on the road ahead. From right here in town to up in Victoria, we are the Ford dealership that Vancouver Island trusts, and we hope that includes you! To book your appointment, get in touch with us in person, over the phone, or right here on the site.